Your connection to the information you need about the PA Turnpike.
Making your experience with us efficient and reliable is one of our biggest priorities. To answer your questions quickly and provide transparency, we offer numerous methods for finding the information you need:
You can click here to login to your E-ZPass account. Click "Having trouble signing in?" and answer the questions to receive a temporary password. You can also call the PA Turnpike E-ZPass Customer Service Center during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.) at 1-877-736-6727 and when prompted, say "Customer Service" then select 1. The PA Turnpike Commission also suggests you download our mobile app, PA Toll Pay. For your protection, you will be required to verify account information to obtain your pin.
E-ZPass is available from the PA Turnpike E-ZPass Customer Service Center located at 300 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111. It is also available from one of our participating retailers.
Please note that customers who would like to add transponders to existing PA Turnpike E-ZPass accounts can do so by accessing their account online, via our mobile app, PA Toll Pay, or by calling the E-ZPass Customer Service Center at 1-877-736-6727 and when prompted, say "Customer Service" then select 1.
E-ZPass customers receive PA Turnpike Toll By Plate invoices due to any one of the following conditions:
Click here to register or open a Toll By Plate account.
Payment information is included on your Toll By Plate (TBP) invoice. Convenient options include payment online, through our mobile app, PA Toll Pay, by phone or mail. Payments can be made via check, money order or by credit card (i.e. Master Card, VISA, American Express and Discover).
Send Toll By Plate Payments to:
PA Turnpike Toll By Plate
PO Box 645631
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-5254
Cash payments are only accepted at the PA Turnpike E‑ZPass Customer Service Center located at 300 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111.
In order to discuss a Toll by Plate invoice you believe you have received in error you may fill out the Customer Contact Form, and choose Toll by Plate in the ‘topic’ drop down menu. Or you can call our Customer Service Center 1-877-736-6727 and when prompted, say "Customer Service" then select 3, Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., when prompted say Toll by Plate.
All-Electronic Tolling (AET) is safer, quicker, more convenient for customers and better for the environment. AET is safer because customers no longer have to change lanes depending on their payment method. With AET, customers no longer have to stop at Toll Points reducing travel times and vehicle emissions. Finally, E‑ZPass usage represents over 80% of all PA Turnpike toll transactions system-wide.
Navigate to the Claim for Damages page on the PA Turnpike website. Please follow all instructions on the page and submit a claim by entering all necessary information into the Claim for Damages form found on this page.