Information available here is free to use for academic purposes. For commercial use, please contact us.
Our specially trained AI model saves you time finding the right phrase to write confidently from our large academic phrasebank in just seconds.
Our academic phrasebank curates phrases from millions of academic publications to help you easily express your intent while meeting academic conventions.
Save time and write confidently using our academic phrasebank powered by AI technology that makes finding the right phrases quick and easy.
Trinka's academic phrasebank is a large database of phrases or sentences in English that lets you find the right phrase or sentence to use to express a specific intent while meeting academic writing conventions and style.
Trinka's academic phrasebank includes phrases/sentences that have been used in scientific journal papers and other academic publications. Our database is specially curated by a team of expert academics and editors.
Our unique AI technology delivers highly relevant results and saves your time in drafting your academic content.
Using Trinka’s academic phrasebank, you can find the right phrases or sentences to communicate your message effectively in two easy ways.
Searching for phrases similar to ones you have. Type or paste the phrase to see all similar phrases. Trinka's AI understands the meaning of the phrase and shows you all the relevant phrases. Copy the suggestion of your choice with a click to use it.
Navigating the academic phrasebank using the sections. Say you need phrases to introduce previous work to establish the importance of your topic in the introduction section. Just click on the section “Introducing your work” and then the subsection “Establishing the importance of the topic” in the categorized academic phrasebank navigation. You get all the relevant suggestions that you can copy with a click!
The Manchester academic phrasebank was compiled by Dr. John Morley at the University of Manchester. The Manchester academic phrasebank can be downloaded as a pdf file or accessed on their website.
Trinka's academic phrasebank is a fully searchable and navigable academic phrasebank for authors. It provides a significantly larger database than the Manchester academic phrasebank and includes phrases from millions of published articles, making it a highly comprehensive academic phrasebank.
Furthermore, Trinka’s academic phrasebank uses AI technology to help you easily find relevant phrases with a simple search. Trinka’s categorized academic phrasebank lets you browse through the database and find the right phrase easily.
Trinka’s academic phrasebank uses a large academic database containing content from millions of published papers from reputed journals across disciplines.
Trinka’s academic phrasebank uses AI to help you find the right phrase with a simple search so you can save time while drafting your manuscript.
Trinka's academic phrasebank is categorized in logical sections so you can easily find the right phrase to communicate intended message for every section of your paper.
Trinka AI is preferred by researchers worldwide for their writing and publication needs. In addition to Trinka's academic phrasebank, technical writers and academics around the globe rely heavily on its grammar corrections and language enhancements. Unlike most other tools, Trinka goes beyond grammar to ensure holistic language improvements for increased publication success.
Writing an academic manuscript is challenging, as it not only requires grammatical accuracy but also requires adhering to several writing conventions while ensuring impactful communication. Trinka’s academic phrasebank helps you prepare your manuscript faster by allowing you to use phrases from standard academic publications without the need for searching and reading several papers to identify the right phrases. Using Trinka’s academic phrasebank hence helps you save time and prepare your manuscript more confidently.
Trinka’s academic phrasebank aims to help academic authors and students write effectively. It is completely free to use, without limitations.
Trinka’s academic phrasebank provides you with phrases aimed to achieve a specific communication objective. Once you use a phrase from Trinka’s academic phrasebank, you will need to expand on it to complete communicating your message, making the final content your own unique version. Therefore, using Trinka’s academic phrasebank will not constitute to plagiarizing.
Trinka’s academic phrasebank includes standard phrases from millions of publications across all scientific disciplines and hence can be used for any subject.
Trinka AI is a privacy-first English grammar checker and language enhancement writing assistant designed for academic and technical writing. Trinka helps professionals and academics ensure formal, concise, and engaging writing. Trinka's Enterprise solutions come with full access, multiple integration options, and complete data control, which can be customized to fit your needs.
Trinka AI is a privacy-first English grammar checker and language enhancement writing assistant designed for academic and technical writing. Trinka helps professionals and academics ensure formal, concise, and engaging writing. Trinka's Enterprise solutions come with full access, multiple integration options, and complete data control, which can be customized to fit your needs.